Wednesday, February 27, 2008

United States Imperialism

I feel that we are imperialist. In my opinion the U.S. has gone too far, we have spread to many places. And i think thats why certain countries, like Iraq are trying to stop us. I personally think that Bush is not very wise and does not know how he has effected our country. We could be using money for other goods instead of bombs to blow up helpless people in Iraq.

Monday, February 25, 2008

When I Die

I will be remembered as i very loud, outgoing, rebel. I will have accomplished many tasks that have to do with my horses, basketball, and other things i LOVE. I will be liked and disliked. I'm sure i will mess up between now and then. Usually when you learn from mistakes you are hurting yourself and others. Hopefully more liked rather than disliked though. I will do way more contributing as i become more of an adult, but now, as a teen i am all about myself. My number one thing in my life is my HORSES! They mean the world to me. I will give anything for them. I didn't sit around and wait for things to happen, I made things happen. I am a REBEL and very proud of it. I did everything I loved and lived for. My life will be perfect no matter what happens. And only a perfect person could live a messed up life.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


I do not support censorship. I think everyone should hear the same words, listen to the same music and respect that music is a type of art as well as people's languages are too. People get offended by words, and not so much the actions that happen in the real world. Movies aren't real. Either is music. Its a way of expressing yourself. If that is bad, then everyone is a fake person.
censorship is not a way of solving foul language and violence.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Parental Consent for Abortion

Abortion is killing a living thing. A parent or parents should take responsibility of their child if she were pregnant, whether they like it or not. Parents should have the consent for everything in their children's life. You raise your child your way. If you raise your kids to not have sex, they won't. It doesn't always happen that way but, if you have an open, close relationship with your kids they will communicate with you and you could be given the chance to prevent them from getting pregnant. Your daughter could tell you that she is having sex and you can take her to get birth control. It's not all about telling your kids not to, it's about teaching them self respect and control over themselves.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Genetically Modified Children

I would go along with this experiment. I wound want my kids to have all the traits that are given. Very attractive, extremely intelligent, and amazing athletes. I would want them to have very bright blue eyes, tan skin. If it is a girl, long blonde hair. If it is a boy dark brown.
My children would have great personalities, they would make friends easily. They would be very happy, with a sense or humor. They would never get in trouble and have good grades in school. My children would play sports at the best school, on the highest team. Boys would play football, basketball and baseball. And girls would play basketball and softball. They would go the the best of the best colleges.
My children would be perfect!