Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Hierarchy of Friends

In my group of friends, there are 2 girls and 3 guys. We all have our own role in the group. Miya is the goofy one. Tony is the one that makes everyone mad. Anthony is the one that makes all the plans. Chipmonk is the tag along. And ME, I'm the blonde, the stupid one that makes everything fun!!

Ides of March

It's the 15th day of the months, March, May, July, and October. And the 13th day of every other month. Julius Caesar's assassination date in 44BC. If this day wouldn't have happened in the past, we would not be the same. Our ways would be different. A lot of people these days are in the study of Julius Caesar. They're figuring out what would have happened now, if that wouldn't have happened then. History will live on being discovered day by day.

The Worst Vandaliasm

*Setting fire to a school
*Throwing stones onto a railroad
*Damaging a phone box
*Leaving litter o the countryside
*Throwing eggs at cars and homes
*Breaking glass in a bus shelter
*Breaking a park bench
*Painting graffiti on a public building
*Breaking street lighting
*Damaging seats on buses
*Putting dish soap in a fountain

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Destruction is wrong. There is a reason why you are your own property. Therefore the items that you own belong to you. Stealing is low. Only the best of people get robbed. I have stolen and I have been robbed blind. When you steal someone's property you are taking their life. That's what i have always been taught. When someone steals something from you, you feel like you have been extremely disrespected and betrayed. People that steal, get some kind of sickening pleasure out of hurting others.
It's sad to know that some people can't support themselves, so they steal. Most of the time, they are drug addicts and steal items to sale. Teens and adults that steal are not stealing because they can't afford things, they are stealing because they are too lazy to go out and get a job. Some people aren't responsible enough to have a job, so they think that using drugs and doing harm to others is going to get them by in life. Well, they're wrong. They will never learn. Adults set an example for teens, and they follow.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Children Rule The World

If the children ruled the world, we would have a more relaxing, peaceful government in the U.S. as well as other countries too. The world would be different in many ways. Adults and children would have more freedoms and rights. Laws would only apply in certain countries, to certain people, and they wouldn't be as strict anyways. So it would be harder too break the laws. Rules in schools would be less brutal too, everyone would want to come to school verses now, everyone wants to drop out. Marijuana would be legal, and so would under age drinking. Anyone that used meth and/or other white drugs would be prosecuted. Money would not be an issue. Transportation would be easier. The age for driving would be reduced. And there is so much more that would be different. But never in my wildest dreams would children rule the world. So its all in my head, I'm good at using my imagination.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Legalize Marijuana!!!

In my opinion Marijuana SHOULD be legalized. They say teens start out smoking cigarettes and drinking. That sooner or later ends up leading to smoking Marijuana. Then ends at the top of the line with, crystal meth, cocaine, crack, and many others. People don't understand that the only reason why every teen wants to do drugs is because adults and government say not to. If Marijuana was legal, nobody would want to use meth, cocaine, and all the other hard core drugs. They would just stick to the legal one. At least thats my opinion. Marijuana the only so called drug that i would be okay with being legalized. It's not anything that should be legal. It's not cooked and it's not bad for you. It grows from the ground for Christ sake.

Talking Animals

If animals could talk, this world would be so much different. We could save animals that were dying, and becoming extinct. If their environment was in danger, we could help. But, there is a bad side to animals being able to talk. Hunting for instance, elk, deer, and other animals we hunt to eat would be able to make a person feel bad enough not to kill them. Squirrels would here a group of people talking about another group, and go tell. There would be secrets. Then there's a cool thing about animals talking. I would ask a bird how they fly, and what it's like to be so high. I would ask horses what makes them mad, why do they kick, and why they would to buck someone off. I would tell them stuff too. Animals would be more interesting to talk to. If I was having a bad day I would talk to my horse or whatever animal was closest to me. It would be kinda cool if they talked, but i think its cool that they don't.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Space Living

If everyone lived in space, everything would be in slow motion. Earth would not be known. People would live in houses made out of floating walls. They would wear clothes made with lite material. There wouldn't be any gravitational pull, so no wind, cold, or heat. It would be perfect temperature. Everyone would eat regular food, but never feel any more fat, it's like everyone would weigh the same. No one would need a car or bike, they would just float everywhere. Space would be FUN to live in.