Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Destruction is wrong. There is a reason why you are your own property. Therefore the items that you own belong to you. Stealing is low. Only the best of people get robbed. I have stolen and I have been robbed blind. When you steal someone's property you are taking their life. That's what i have always been taught. When someone steals something from you, you feel like you have been extremely disrespected and betrayed. People that steal, get some kind of sickening pleasure out of hurting others.
It's sad to know that some people can't support themselves, so they steal. Most of the time, they are drug addicts and steal items to sale. Teens and adults that steal are not stealing because they can't afford things, they are stealing because they are too lazy to go out and get a job. Some people aren't responsible enough to have a job, so they think that using drugs and doing harm to others is going to get them by in life. Well, they're wrong. They will never learn. Adults set an example for teens, and they follow.

1 comment:

Fresh Start @ The IKE Box said...

Andrea - You have a couple typos... check your "i's". I can tell that you have a personal story here. We will dive into the ethics of causing harm to others in the near future. Destroying things can also destroy people. You sort of elude to that in your blog. Nice job, Andrea!